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Windows Vulnerability Scanner v1.26

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Windows Vulnerability Scanner v1.26 Empty Windows Vulnerability Scanner v1.26

Message par EL AISSI Rami Jeu 14 Jan - 18:28

Bonjours à Tous

Protector Plus - Windows Vulnerability Scanner checks your system for Windows Vulnerabilities. It guides you to update with the right patch to make your system secure.
This program is updated regularly by Proland Software to detect all the vulnerabilities discovered.
This software is compatible with Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Business, Windows XP (Home & Professional), Windows 2000 Server & Professional and Windows 2003. Once the Scan is completed, Protector Plus - Windows Vulnerability Scanner lists the vulnerabilities detected, their risk level and the download of the patch.
It also creates the log file named Protector_Plus_Windows_Vulnerability_Scan.htm in the folder from where Protector Plus - Windows Vulnerability Scanner was executed
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Messages : 18
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2009

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